Work Placements
Glenelg and Southern Grampians LLEN supports Secondary students to engage in a wide range of opportunities to experience the world of work before they decide on a career pathway. The GSGLLEN offers a range of tailored work placement options that benefit both students and businesses alike.
There are open opportunities currently available for Structured Workplace Learning, Work Experience, School Based Apprenticeships and Traineeships for senior secondary school students studying Vocational Education and Training (VET) undertaken as part of VCE.
Structured Workplace Learning (SWL) provides students with the opportunity to integrate on-the-job experience with secondary study as part of the Victorian Certificate of Education (VCE), the VCE Vocational Major or the Victorian Pathways Certificate.
SWL will enhance the students skill development, and future employment opportunities, whilst achieving learning outcomes and assessments for units of competency relating to applicable VET studies.
Click here to access the School to Work Portal to search for SWL opportunities.
Click here to download and print the GSGLLEN Work Placement Student Enquiry form.
School Based Apprenticeships (SBAT) gives students paid on the job training while they complete secondary school. The SBAT student, their parent and employer sign a training contract, and the student completes a training plan with a registered training organisation, leading to a nationally recognised Vocational Education and Training qualification. Regular school attendance is combined with a minimum of one timetabled day a week of employment and/or structured training.
Click here to access the School to Work Portal to search for SBAT opportunities.
Click here to access Headstart a program that helps students in government schools find and make the most of suitable SBAT opportunities.
Click here to download and print the GSGLLEN Work Placement Student Enquiry form.
Work experience (WE) is the short-term placement of secondary school students, generally from Years 9 and 10, with employers to provide insights into the industry and the workplace in which they are located. It provides students with the valuable opportunity to:
develop employability skills,
explore possible career options,
understand employer expectations,
increase their self-understanding, maturity, independence and self-confidence.
WE is not limited to any scheduled weeks within your school timetable, it can also be undertaken during your own time, which may be school holidays, weekends etc.
Click here to access the School to Work Portal to search for WE opportunities.
WE is also not limited to just taking an opportunity within your own town, it can be anywhere there is an opportunity, and this can be supported by way of travel and accommodation via the Enhanced Work Experience (EWE) program. Click here to find out more about Enhance Work Experience.
Click here to download and print the GSGLLEN Work Placement Student Enquiry form.
Find an Opportunity
Click here to search the School to Work portal for local or statewide for opportunities to connect with the world of work.
If you are a secondary student, attending school in Victoria aged 15 years and over and looking for a placement opportunity including Work Experience (WE), Structured Workplace Learning (SWL) or School Based Apprenticeship or Traineeship (SBAT), you can visit the School to Work Portal to find available opportunities in your local region or across the state. Click here for School to Work Portal
If you are unable to locate an opportunity that is not available and you require specific needs complete the form below to touch base with our placements team across Glenelg and Southern Grampians or click here to download and print Work Placement Student Enquiry form.
The GSGLLEN is funded to deliver the School to Work program, which supports schools to engage with industry and provide high quality work-based learning opportunities for all students. For more information, visit the VicLLENs website.
GSGLLEN provide support to all schools in the region via staff who are experienced in pathways support and have extensive local industry knowledge to enable supportive networks for your students. Our networks ensure that we support all compliance and specific needs of the student.
Where your students require additional support, or they need to access to hard-to-place industry connections please contact the GSGLLEN team.
If you would like the GSGLLEN team to provide support or School to Work portal training to students and/or staff, contact the placements team via the form below or click here for contact information.
To better prepare students for work, most schools offer opportunities for students to experience and learn directly in workplaces.
Becoming a host employer for workplace learning experiences can help you to:
· promote your industry, its career paths and future directions
· strengthen your links with the community and raise your business profile
· increase the supervisory, training and mentoring skills of your staff
· participate in the education, career development and training of young people in your community.
GSGLLEN can help you link with schools and students by advertising and sharing opportunities you may have on the School to Work Portal. Please contact the GSGLLEN placement team via the form below or click here for contact information .
School to Work Team
For all enquiries regarding student work placements please complete the form below or contact the School to Work team direct from the Contact us page - click here.